Examples of use in conferences and consulting

Use in conferencesconnecting multiple hospitals~Facilitates conferences and improves diagnostic accuracy~

June 12, 2024

Currently:Professor, Department of Human Pathology,  TokyoMedical UniversityDr. Toshitaka Nagao*Currentstatus may differ from those at the time of the interview

Use in conferences connecting multiple hospitals~Facilitates conferences and improves diagnostic accuracy~

Weinterviewed Dr. Toshitaka Nagao, Head of the Department of Diagnostic Pathologyand concurrent Chair of the Department of Human Pathology at Tokyo MedicalUniversity, and assistant professor, Dr. Aoi Sukeida, about the background toPidPort’s introduction and examples of its use.

Challenges before the introduction

・The spread of the novel coronavirus infection hasrestricted the ability to hold joint conferences with clinical departmentswhere everyone can gather.

・We had previously invited consultants from outside ourhospital to various conferences to describe cases using pathology specimens,but they would have needed to travel long distances to join. It was alsodifficult for consultants to preview specimens.

・We had held case review meetings with pathologistsfrom other institutions, but securing a conference venue and coordinatingschedules was required. In addition, the hosting of conferences was restrictedto prevent the spread of infection.

・Complications occurred with consultation ondifficult-to-diagnose cases or when collaborating on research with pathologistswithin and outside of the country.

Effectsafter the introduction

・Because conferences could be held online, even duringthe spread of COVID-19, we were able to hold joint conferences with clinicaldepartments and pathologists from other institutions.

・Because people can participate in conferences online,choosing a venue is no longer of concern, and schedule coordination is easy;consequently, conferences can be held more efficiently.

・Consultants invited from outside our hospital can nowparticipate in conferences remotely. Furthermore, as the consultants previewspecimens prior to the conference, they are able to provide in-depthexplanations based on a thorough understanding of the case at hand.

・Because glass slides no longer need to be exchanged,consultation with specialists and sharing information with research partnershave been greatly facilitated. In addition, WSI can be monitored without aviewer specific to virtual slide scanners, even with overseas pathologists.

Please explain what prompted theintroduction of PidPort and ImagingCenter.

Our hospital held regular joint conferenceswith hematological, nephrological, dermatological, and other clinicaldepartments, and invited consultant physicians from outside the hospital.However, the spread of the new coronavirus infection limited our ability toinvite consultants from outside the hospital or hold joint conferences whereeveryone could gather. At that time, we learned of and decided to adopt MedmainInc.’s rapid cloud-based WSI service (PidPort), which allows for the convenientsharing of WSI and other data with doctors outside of the hospital’s internalnetwork in a secure manner,

How exactly are PidPort and theImagingCenter used?

*Actualconference image

PidPort is used during regular jointconferences (once every 1–2 months) with each clinical department and in casereview meetings with pathologists from other institutions. WSI and otherarrangements are made by the Pathological Diagnostics Department; on the day ofthe conference, a dozen or so people gather in the Pathological DiagnosticDepartment conference room or join online from other locations and engage inlively discussion. Participants connect by Zoom and the PidPort screen isshared. The conference is facilitated by external consultants (Dr. TsutomuInoue, Department of Nephrology, Saitama Medical University, and Dr. NaoyaNakamura, Department of Pathology, Tokai University School of Medicine), whoreview the WSI on PidPort prior to the conference.

As participation is online, it is notnecessary to attend the hospital in person. We also believe it is advantageousthat WSI is available on PidPort after the conference so that each participantcan inspect the pathology specimens at any time.

We also use PidPort extensively in joint WSI in consultation with specialistsfrom other institutions and in both domestic and international researchcollaborations.

Please tell us your impressions after having usedPidPort and ImagingCenter in actual practice, and describe the results sincetheir launch.

Theimages are for illustrative purposes only.

PidPortis a cloud system accessible through an ordinary internet connection, and we think it is great that manypeople can connect at once.

Furthermore,since switching to online conferences, consultants from outside the hospital nolonger need to expend resources on travel. Participants from outside of our hospital canalso participate in the conference, facilitating scheduling coordination, andstreamlining conferencing in the midst of busy schedules, which hasbeen a great help. We plan to continue using online conferencing even after therestrictions associated with coronavirus are lifted.

We receive support at each conference from arepresentative of MedMain Inc. Owing to the support with running theseconferences, they have proceeded smoothly, and we are always grateful. Thankyou for your continued cooperation and support.

Thank you for reading to the end.

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